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Hydrating Facial

    What is a hydrating facial

    hydrating facial in Rancho Cucamonga is designed to hydrate and heal skin on a deep level. It utilizes the excellent products from the professionals at Clayton Shagal. La Maison Clayton Shagal is a Canadian based skin care company that targets your basic skin components. Within their products, they focus on collagen, elastin, and water. A hydrating facial incorporates these products into your skin to not only hydrate, but restore your skin’s natural fresh appearance.

    How Is Hydrating Facial Used?

    A hydrating facial at the spa at elaine sterling institute is known as the “winter skin treatment”. Its powerful components work to penetrate deep into skin and moisturize on a more intense level. Clayton Shagal products are designed for young and maturing skin in both men and women, so this facial is great for people of all ages who wish to restore their skin’s natural moisture.